
Thursday, December 12, 2019

Politics and activism

Teaser week activity 4

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Teaser Week Day 2

This is my activity for day 2 please leave a comment.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Lorde Facts

Lorde Images

This is my Lorde profile and I was shocked when I found out that Lorde has a neurological problem.Please leave a comment if you are shocked aswell. But this is my summer learning journey teaser week. It gives you an idea of what it is like it is lots of fun to make.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Farmer Character description

We have been reading a story called:
The Giant Turnip.
This is the character description

From Leandri



His feet are as big as a giants feet.
His legs are as skinny as a stick and as bony and spiky as barbed wire .
His tummy is round and plump and as cuddly as a teddy bear.
His arms are muscular and strong so he can lift anything.


You can hear thumping as he walk and pulls out veggies.
You can hear him snoring at night.
You can hear  him whistle when he calls his dog.


His skin is rough like a cement pavement.
His hair is silky but dirty.
His fingertips are hard and blistered.


He smells dirty and stinky and he looks the part as well.
He smells like a mix of dirt and turnip.
His farms smells like a mix off rotting meat and sweaty mud.


He has a taste for turnip stew.
He has bad taste of clothes because I mean green and purple overalls are so last year.

His taste of hair styles are so ugly I mean who wears dreadlocks.